225 000

The Heirloom Edition of American Eagles is bound in leather which matches the color of the famous A-2 flight jacket, and enclosed in a slipcase covered in linen similar to that used by the Wright brothers for the wings of their 1903 Flyer. An additional sixteen pages feature the portraits, biographies and original signatures of forty famous American aviators who flew and fought in the airplanes which made Air Force history. Worldwide distribution of the Heirloom Edition is limited to only 1,000 signed and numbered copies.

  • Signed by: John Alison: Flying Tiger ace China Bud Anderson: P-51 ace Europe; test pilot Fred Ascani: B-17 Europe; test pilot Jerry Collinsworth: Spitfire ace 31st FG Mediterranean Ben Davis: P-47/P-51 Europe; 1st Black USAF General "Bud" Day: F-100 Vietnam/POW,Most decorated US airman, Medal of Honor Charles Duke: Apollo 16 Clyde East: F-6 ace Europe; RF-101 Cuba Joe Engle: X-15; Space Shuttle Pete Everest: P-40 Mediterranean; P-51 China; F-100 & X-2 Bernie Fisher: A-1 Vietnam, Medal of Honor James Fleming: UH-1 Vietnam, Medal of Honor Arnie Franklin: OV-10 Vietnam: F-111 Libya Francis Gabreski: P-47 ace Europe; F-86 Korea Charles Gabriel:USAF Chief of Staff "Herky" Green: P-40/P-47/P-51 ace Tom Griffin: B-25 Doolittle Raider Jock Henebry: B-25 Pacific, Battle of Bismark Sea Tex Hill: "Flying Tiger" ace China Travis Hoover: B-25 Doolittle Raider Charles Horner: Commander, Coalition air forces, Gulf War Joe Jackson: C-123 Vietnam, Medal of Honor Gerald Johnson: P-47 ace; Commander 8th AF for "Linebacker" James Kasler: F-86 ace Korea; F-105 Vietnam/POW; 3 AFCs Joe Kittinger: High Altitude Balloons, F-4 Vietnam/POW Pete Knight: X-15 Mach 6.7 Bill Lawley: B-17 Europe, Medal of Honor John Loisel: P-38 ace Pacific Barbara Erickson London: WASP Don Lopez: P-40/P-51 ace; test pilot Bud Mahurin: P-47 ace Europe, F-86 Korea/POW Bob Morgan: B-17 "Memphis Belle", Europe; B-29 Pacific Robin Olds: P-38/P-51 ace Europe; F-4 Vietnam Bryce Poe: RF-80 Korea; RF-4 Vietnam Ramsey Potts: B-24 Europe-Ploesti Robbie Risner: F-86 Korea; F-105 Vietnam/POW Robert Scott: US Mail; P-40 China; Author "God is my Co-pilot" Charles Sweeney: B-29 Pacific "Bockscar" Nagasaki Leo Thorsness: F-105 Vietnam, Medal of Honor "Chuck" Yeager: P-51 ace Europe; X-1 and more

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