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The Sukhoi SU-27 (NATO codename: Flanker) is the twin-engine front line fighter aircraft designed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau and manufactured by Irkut Corporation. Designed as a high performance fighter with a fly-by-wire control system, and the ability to carry up to 10 AAMs, the highly maneuverable Su-27 is one of the most imposing fighters ever built. It had its maiden flight on May 20, 1977.

The Flanker is equipped to operate autonomously in combat over hostile territory, in escort of deep-penetration strike aircraft and in the suppression of enemy airfields. The aircraft provides general air defense in cooperation with ground and airborne control stations.

The main feature for the success of the Su-27 design is its aerodynamic configuration, known as integrated aerodynamic concept by its designers. This configuration is one with extremely blended wing and fuselage. The low-aspect ratio trapezoidal mid-wing is fitted with large leading-edge root extensions (LERX) and blending into the fuselage creating a single lifting body. The aircraft has a near-zero static stability and thus require a fly-by-wire system. The SDU-10 pitch-only fly-by-wire system controls the pitch of the aircraft to ensure stability and controllability for the pilot, increase aerodynamic performance, limit overload and angle of attack when needed and decrease the airframe aerodynamic load.

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