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The Airframe Log (Section 1) is used to record details of airframe flight hours and related maintenance tasks.

Technical logbooks form the core of the familiar Canadian aircraft technical record keeping system. The logs are three-hole drilled for keeping in a ring binder or Tech Log Book. Vary the number of engine and prop volumes for multi-engine aircraft. The 5 sections are ordered separately, depending on the number of engines, props, etc. Each tech record can be bound with all the others into the Tech Log Binder to make up the complete aircraft Technical Record. When bound together, the entire log is almost indestructible, yet each record can be removed easily for updating at any time.

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Вопросы и ответы
How many pages are in this Aircraft Technical Log book, Section 1: Airframe?

This log book has 39 pages available for entries.

What are the dimension of The Airframe Logbook - Section 1, 2, 3? Just need to check whether they would fit in my case or not.

These logs are all standard 8-1/2 x 11.