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This literal survival guide for new pilots identifies "the killing zone," the 40-250 flight hours during which unseasoned aviators are likely to commit lethal mistakes. Presents the statistics of how many pilots will die in the zone within a year; calls attention to the eight top pilot killers (such as "VFR into IFR," "Takeoff and Climb"); and maps strategies for avoiding, diverting, correcting, and managing the dangers. Includes a Pilot Personality Self-Assessment Exercise that identifies pilot "types" and how each type can best react to survive the killing zone.

Identifies the time frame in which you are most likely to die
Alerts you to the 12 mistakes most likely to kill you
Outlines preventive strategies for flying through the zone alive
Provides guidelines for avoiding, evading, diverting, correcting, and managing dangers
Includes a "Pilot Personality Self-Assessment Exercise" for an individualized survival strategy Survive the dangers that lurk in the killing zone.

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