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ELITE ver­sion 8.6 is the most recent edi­tion of our fam­ily of professional-grade flight sim­u­la­tion soft­ware, allow­ing pilots of all lev­els of expe­ri­ence to exer­cise their fly­ing skills using the power of the per­sonal com­puter for over two decades. With flight dynam­ics and air­craft func­tion­al­ity crafted to the high­est fidelity, own­ers of the ELITE soft­ware can do any­thing from com­plete startup and shut­down pro­ce­dures, fly dif­fer­ent pat­terns or approaches, prac­tice with nor­mal or abnor­mal sit­u­a­tions, or main­tain pro­fi­ciency, in a com­pletely con­trol­lable vir­tual envi­ron­ment with new 2011 nav­i­ga­tional data.

Garmin GNS 430
**ELITE GNS 430 WAAS Con­trol Mod­ule Required to Oper­ate GNS 430 WAAS on screen dis­play**
Devel­oped in con­junc­tion with Real­i­tyXP, our in-depth GNS 430 WAAS sim­u­la­tion emu­lates all of the real-life func­tions of the GNS 430 when used with our ELITE 430 mod­ule. Now you to learn, prac­tice and brush up your GNS 430 skills in your own home or office with­out those tir­ing videos or bor­ing train­ing books, and you don’t have to pull your air­plane out of the hangar; thus sav­ing fuel, time and money. Ver­sion 8.6 includes a brand new 2011 data cycle, ensur­ing your abil­ity to fly all of the newest WAAS approaches.

Bendix/King Sil­ver Crown Plus™ Avion­ics
This highly pop­u­lar Bendix/King radio stack offers the lat­est in con­ve­nience and advanced fea­tures. The NAV/COMs alone have inte­grated elapsed timers, CDI/OBS, and the abil­ity to store a myr­iad of fre­quen­cies! The Sil­ver Crown Plus™ is a new stack for a new generation.

Enhanced INOP Instru­ment Pre­sen­ta­tion
Par­tial panel work has never been more real­is­tic! The Instru­ment INOP fea­ture allows you to place a vir­tual instru­ment cover on a selected instru­ment or instru­ments. The cov­ers are sim­i­lar in appear­ance to the famil­iar rub­ber suc­tion cup cov­ers used for par­tial panel prac­tice in tra­di­tional instru­ment train­ing. The cov­ers can be used inde­pen­dent of, or in con­junc­tion with, spe­cific mal­func­tions as desired.

McDon­nell Dou­glas MD-81
ELITE was the first to intro­duce a pro­fes­sional PC-based air­liner class sim­u­la­tion soft­ware. Greatly refined since its orig­i­nal devel­op­ment, one of the most widely-used fam­i­lies of jet air­craft, the MD-80, is now part of the main­stream ELITE fleet.

  • Fully func­tional GNS 430 WAAS sim­u­la­tion with 2011 data cycle (430 con­trol mod­ule required)
  • Includes the most cur­rent US and Canada nav­i­ga­tional data­base of any sim­u­la­tion soft­ware
  • Includes US Gen­View™ Visual Data­base (addons avail­able for Europe and Central/South Amer­ica)
  • Adjustable view instru­ment panel
  • Down­load­able METAR reports and real-time weather
  • High-resolution, accu­rately detailed instru­ment pan­els
  • Advanced Dynamic Weather Mod­el­ing
  • Trim­ble 2000 Approach Plus GPS
  • Apollo GX Series GPS
  • Inter­na­tional GPS data­base
  • Mov­ing Map dis­play
  • Fully mod­i­fi­able NAV Data
  • Hot Plates approach chart viewer
  • Multi-instructor mon­i­tor capa­bil­ity
  • Bendix/King Sil­ver Crown and Sil­ver Crown Plus Avion­ics
  • INOP instru­ment cov­ers and malfunction/failure repli­ca­tion
  • FAA flight infor­ma­tion pub­li­ca­tions
  • Pre­mium also fea­tures:
  • Switch­able ADF/RMI and DG/HSI
  • Bendix/King EFS-40 EHSI and EADI

Computer Requirements

  • Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or 7, (32 or 64 bit)
  • Dual-layer supported DVD disc drive for installation
  • 1.0 GHz (or faster) Intel or AMD Processor
  • 3 GB of RAM
  • 5 GB of available hard disk space
  • 128 MB or better NVIDIA-brand OpenGL accelerated graphics card (Two Port Video Card for Multiple monitors option--Instrument Panel monitor & Instructor station monitor)
  • At least one free USB port for connecting USB hardware; a USB hub may be required to connect multiple USB devices

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Вопросы и ответы
Is this software compatible with Windows 10?

No,the Elite premium V8.6 is only compatible with XP, Vista, or Windows 7.