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Are these STC'd for my Cessna 172L? Also, I have a cuff and fence (STOL kit) on my wing. Would the vg's still add performance?

Per the supplier: Yes, Micro VGs are STC approved for Cessna 172L. The VGs are located on the wings, the underside of the horizontal stabilizer, and on both sides of the vertical stabilizer. The VG kit is compatible with the leading edge cuff kits (Sportsman, Horton, Robertson, etc). Since the VGs work by energizing the airfoil you have, the combination reduces the stall speed from what it is with the modified wing, and in addition, it adds more crisp response to the elevator and rudder at those slow speeds.

Part # 05-00619: I need to increase my allowable all up weight on my Cessna 206 by 200 lbs. Will I achieve this by fitting the vortex generators?

Per the supplier: No. This product is not certified to change any weight carrying capacity in this aircraft.

Is a sample form 337 included?

Yes, the 337 form is included with the product.

How many VGs are in the 185 tail upgrade kit?

Per the vendor: It depends on the aircraft. The registration number is required when special ordering this item to determine the qty req'd. They will span across the horizontal stab.

Do I need to purchase for each wing or is a quantity of 1 for both wings?

It is for the whole aircraft.

If the aircraft has auxilary tanks will additional vortex generators be supplied in the kit?

Per the manufacturer: "When an aircraft been modified in a way that results in additional wingspan such as with a WingX kit, Flint Tips, etc, we provide additional VGs and templates to accommodate this length at no additional charge if MENTIONED AT THE TIME OF THE ORDER."