10 995

Reline Kit Includes Linings & Rivets for 2 Calipers.

Lining Model Used: 4 of M66-106

Brake Reline Kit for B4 & BXT Brakes.

This reline kit includes linings and rivets for 2 calipers. Four M66-106 linings are included. This reline kit is used for 4 inch brakes in both the internal caliper WHLB4 & WHLB4XT brakes This reline kit is typically used with the WHLD5 disc (5.5 inch outside diameter and 0.188 thick).

This is a 3 rivet lining. Twelve MSC4-6 rivets and twelve MSC4-4 rivets are included in the kit.

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Вопросы и ответы
Will this pad fit the caliper which is standard on the Van's RV-6?

Per Matco, The BRL-1 (Part # 06-00571) reline kit is sold by VANS for relining the standard RV-6 caliper.

Will this pad fit the caliper which is standard on the Van's RV-6?

Per Matco, The BRL-1 (Part # 06-00571) reline kit is sold by VANS for relining the standard RV-6 caliper.