The Aviation Consumer, Product of the Year. JPI’s FS-450 is top choice because it has all the options you need for fuel management.
Available for piston engines. TSO'd for accuracy the Fuel Scan-450 acts as your personal flight engineer: always there, working in the background, constantly monitoring you fuel consumption while you concentrate on flying the aircraft.
JPI’s piece of panel wizardry relegates fuel-situation questions to relics of the past. With a 3 1/8 inch display, its home between the top row of flight instruments and the top of avionics stack, the FS-450 blinked and winked the numbers to answer all my fuel-situation questions.
Connected to Honeywell Skymap IIIC, the FS-450 happily winked and blinked its way through its information inventory.
- Fuel Used (USD): How much fuel has been used since you last refueled. This number will always become larger as fuel is consumed. You can instead show the fuel used on a long multi-fuel stop flight and we will see later in this video how to do that.
- Fuel remaining (REM): How much total fuel remains in the aircraft. Only total fuel remaining in the aircraft is calculated.
- Hours and minutes remaining (H.M.): Based on the current fuel flow rate, displays the remaining endurance time. This parameter is most meaningful during cruise. During sea-level climb the fuel flow rate will be almost twice that of cruise and the endurance indication will be about half of actual. On the other hand, during a power reduction descent, the endurance will indicate more time than is actually available when flying at cruise power.
- Fuel Required to Waypoint/ Destination (REQ): This parameter will be displayed only if your EDM is receiving flight data from your GPS (this is a standard feature which is included with the Fuel Flow option). This will tell you how much fuel is required to get to the next waypoint or destination programmed on your GPS, based on your current fuel flow rate and present position.
- Fuel Reserve (RES): Fuel reserve when you arrive at your next waypoint. This parameter will be displayed only if your EDM is receiving flight data from your GPS (this is a standard feature which is included with the Fuel Flow option). This will tell you how much fuel reserve you can expect when you arrive at your next waypoint or destination programmed on your GPS, at the current fuel flow rate.
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