74 985

BluLink enables you to use your Bluetooth cell phone and any music source wirelessly in the cockpit. You can use your existing general aviation, helicopter or Bose style panel mount, or military aviation headset with BluLink. No more tucking your cell phone under your headset or adapters with various additional cords and adapters.

Great for filing a flight plan, checking weather, calling for fuel, getting a clearance at an uncontrolled field, calling a taxi, voiding a flight plan, closing a VFR flight plan, calling for a taxi. Primary communications for experimental and ultralight pilots.

Model Differences:

  • For GA Headsets: Works for general aviation headsets equipped with standard dual plugs

  • For Helicopter Headsets: Works for helicopter headsets equipped with the U-174 single plug

  • For Lemo Headsets: Works for panel powered headsets equipped with the Bose style single plug

  • For Military Headsets: Works for dynamic headsets equipped with a U-174 plug. Standard in military operations.
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$ 299
$ 249.95
$ 349.99

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So would pilot and passenger in a two-place plane each need their own Blulink?

Yes, this is a single headset solution for adding Bluetooth to your headset. If your co-pilot does not have Bluetooth in there headset and wants to add it, then a second Blulink would be required.

We are interested in using in our fleet of EMS helicopters. No connector wiring (plugs) are shown. How is the device connected to the pilot's helmet & aircraft ICS? If there are external plug wires, how long are they?

For more product information you can click on the video tab on the Pilot USA Blulink webpage for the Quick Review Video done by Aircraft Spruce. The Blulink device plugs inline with your headset allowing a Bluetooth connection to be made.

What is the difference between the GA Option and the Panel powered option for the Pilot USA Blulink - PA86BLU.

The panel powered option is for airplanes with a 6-pin style headset receptacle. This chord, aside from allowing microphone and headset audio, can also power the Blulink device. The GA option is the dual plug chord version that requires batteries to power the unit.

Does this unit plug into the plug receptacles in the AC (GA)? If so, the picture does not show any cord/plug units? Are plugs, if required, extra?

Yes, this unit (11-06553) plugs into your AC GA plugs. The cords are included with the purchase.

Can I connect a MP3 player to the Pilot USA Blulink along with my iPhone?

Yes, as long as your MP3 player has Bluetooth.

I read a review that said once airborne the calling features for the device were disabled? I didnt think it would be capable to sense that, but is this true?

No that is not accurate. The BluLink device has no ability to know if it is in the air or not. As long as the users cell phone has service, they can make and receive phone calls as normal using the BluLink in the air or on the ground.

If you're playing music via the Blulink can everyone on intercom hear it too? Or is all output isolated to the headset it's connected to?

The music would be playing only through the headset connected to the Blulink. For the entire intercom to hear it, you would need a Bluetooth capable audio panel.

Are calls or music automatically muted when a radio transmission is received? If not, is there a similar product offered which will do this?

No the music is not muted when incoming transmissions are received. Part number 11-09045 is an option that will lower the music levels when receiving or transmitting on frequency.

Does the panel powered bluetooth adapter (6 pin lemo) works when the power pin is not hooked up? i.e. can it still run on battery power from the adapter itself?

This uses 2 AA batteries. The ANR can be powered by the box AA batteries.

Does this allow the headset microphone to be used to speak over bluetooth?

No, this adapter is designed to allow an audio source to Bluetooth to the headset. It does not transmit headset communications via Bluetooth.

Would this Pilot USA Blulink unit allow me to record cockpit communications, between pilot and co-pilot, passengers and ATC control?

No, this is to stream the audio from an external device to the headset. It does not broadcast from the radio to a recording device.